Today’s #FamilyVoicesFriday is dedicated to Preston, who would have turned 8 years old tomorrow. At just seven weeks old, Preston died in his crib when he rolled out of a sleep positioner and against the bumper pads in his crib.

Preston was the second addition to a loving family in Alaska. His mom recalls the events of his death to KID: they had taken the usual steps when putting Preston to bed. They turned on the baby monitor, swaddled Preston, and placed him in his Sassy Sleep Positioner, which they thought would keep him safe while he slept. Little did they know that Preston would roll from his positioner and suffocate on the bumper pads of his crib.

Preston’s mom described to KID, “The products I used I fully thought they were going to protect my child, not harm him. I was an educated mother only wanting the best.” She recounts that her life was turned upside down by the loss of her son, and she has since mobilized this grief into action and advocacy. She discovered that in the state of Alaska, crib bumpers are banned from licensed childcare facilities and for caregiver use. However, they are still being sold to parents online and contributing to a number of deaths since Preston’s.

After identifying this discrepancy, Preston’s mother has been devoted to educating parents on the dangers associated with certain children’s products and how to choose safer products.

Today at KID, we honor Preston’s 8th birthday, and we will continue to educate parents and caregivers on safe sleep and product hazards. Read more about Preston’s story here and check out the links below for more information on safe sleep. You can also sign up for KID’s email alerts and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on safe sleep and other product safety news.