Tami & TessaA few weeks back, we posted a blog about Tami as she was getting ready to start her hike on the Appalachian Trail. As of Friday, April 22nd, she had made her way up from Georgia into North Carolina!  Tami and her dog, Tessa, encountered various rainstorms and other adventures in the first 3 weeks of their hike. Tami is tracking her journey at The Amazing Adventures of Boggle and the Flycatcher. Don’t expect to see daily updates of the hike, but when she does get a chance to blog, her entries are entertaining and uplifting.

Tami is hiking in memory of her grandson, Aiden. Only 6 months old, Aiden tragically lost his life due to suffocating on a crib bumper pad. In addition to hiking to raise money for her foundation, For Aiden, With Love, Tami will be donating a percentage of the proceeds to Kids In Danger and First Candle, for their tireless children’s advocacy work.

As Tami continues her hike through the Appalachian Mountains, the debate continues over the safety of crib bumper pads. USA Today posted an article on the argument. Child safety organizations such as KID, First Candle and the American Academy of Pediatrics warn against crib bumper use. Maryland lawmakers are thinking about pushing for a ban on selling crib bumpers and Illinois is considering the same.

The article opens with the story of 7 week old Preston, rolled off a sleep positioner and suffocated on a bumper pad in his crib. KID recommends (PDF) against the use of crib bumper pads or any other soft bedding in the crib.